
Hillary and her desperate ways

Once again, we see the Clintons rearing their ugly heads. As Hillary tries to deflect any questions about her being under fire in Bosnia, she attempts to frame Obama's domestic economic speech as being just words.

I have to wonder how is he going to convey his message; through sign language?

Hillary's negative rating is worse than that of Senator McCain and Senator Obama. The question is simple - Should she continue her barrage of misstatements to the determent of her campaign, and even perhaps, to the determent of the Democratic Party?


The Democratic Primary

We are now entering a time where Hillary Clinton must win Texas and Ohio, or her presidential run is over.

As we hear her talk about Barack Obama's lack of experience, we must wonder how well he will do as president.
If how he has ran his primary campaign is any indication on how well he will do as president, I believe he will be fine.

Political Soup